Monday, March 27, 2006

Tasty Delight

You know how sometimes you taste something, some sort of food, and it tastes somehow more than perfect, like an uber version of itself? I experienced that this weekend with some maple syrup. I found myself left rather speechless by it. I was at a small sugar house run by some FFA kids near Addison Four Corners. It was warm out for VT (40's), cloudy, and muted like it is in winter. The rolling hills were more golden brown than green but were still beautiful. The syrup was served in Dixie cups, literally the second it was ready to go, fresh from the filter tap. It was still warm, and perfectly sweet. Someone was cooking mini pancakes fresh off the griddle and piling them up on a paper plate for dipping and there was sap water to clear your palate. It's embarrassing for me as a writer to not be able to adequately come up with the words to describe how it felt to tip a Dixie cup of warm sweet syrup to my lips and drink, but I find myself without them. It was the best maple syrup I have ever tasted, bar none. It was like drinking in the woods and the air and all of God's green earth. It was transcendant.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

my grandfather's buddy used to make him a gallon every year that was so light it was almost clear. that was the best syrup ever... i have yet to find anything close. too bad the old boy died. :(

12:32 PM, March 27, 2006

Blogger McPolack said...

sir loins, I think you should move to VT and make syrup. Something about your crustiness makes me think you'd be great at it.

12:43 PM, March 27, 2006

Blogger Gil Martinez, RGD said...

I am jealous, McP. This is what I love about living in the middle of nowhere, even if the rest of it pretty much sucks rocks.

1:36 PM, March 27, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's kind of boring but I find that fresh apple pie does that to me. Some flavors are just sooooooo good.

4:42 PM, March 30, 2006


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