Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Do not say nuthin!

Had a full busy city-day day today. Got up early and saw a friend in the hipster cafe where I picked up coffee and a scone; chatted with her on the train. Then waited in line at the RMV (or AH-M-V according to the security guard who gave me good (wicked good) directions). Got my Mass drivers license and surrendered my NH one, which apparently is shipped off to some warehouse for a mass cremation with other peoples' out of state licenses. I was sad to see my NH license go, but let's be honest, when it comes to the mean streets, I'm pure Masshole.

Then it was off to transcription land, where I typed up part of a seminar on back pain in which I learned Dr. Kevorkian got the most requests not from people with fatal illnesses but from people with chronic low back pain. So let's all stand up and stretch now, OK?

Then I came home, vacuumed and cleaned, and went to yoga. Picked up a bagel. Came home again and discovered Miss Melissa T, who is now a Mrs. (she wed this weekend; I was invited last minute but unable to attend) and who was my spinning partner and lifelong friend of Dr. Moo had called. I called her back and she was just packing the last of her stuff into the moving van, shipping off with her husband to Atlanta by way of Uxbridge, so I walked over and said goodbye.

Then I chatted with Moo who kept asking "do you hear that?" as she held the phone up to Tess the Wonder Hound, who was lap-lap-lapping away at herself.

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Blogger Teri said...

Yay Massholes!

I was one for six years. Miss it wicked bad.

And whoa about the low back pain trivia!!

10:31 AM, October 03, 2007


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