Friday, July 24, 2009

Wedded Bliss

Tomorrow is McMumsy and PolackPappy's 39th wedding anniversary. When I asked McMumsy waht she was doing 40 years ago during the moon landing, she said she was at a bar with PolackPappy. A bar in Salisbury, MA. Which, if you know the NH/MA seacoast area, may make you wonder why McMumsy even married PolackPappy, much less stick around for the next four decades.

Anyhoo, congrats to them. And to Dr. Moo, who will be trying on wedding dresses in the NH seacoast area tomorrow at noon, while McMumsy, me, and Sister-in-law watch. I am sure Dr. Moo will clean the poo and blood from beneath her fingernails but I am sort of crossing my fingers for a lingering cow manure aroma because that's just how I roll.


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