I drove to the LNFU today because it was raining, and I managed to parallel park Phyllis perfectly, on the first try. That has never happened. I did have quite a bit of space in which to maneuver, but still.
It's coming up on one year since my whirlwind tour of Europe with cousin B. The lovely ladyfriend he met shortly after inviting me to join him overseas, an invitation he offered in part because he had no special person in his life, is now his fiancee, and in just a few short weeks will be his wife. They are going to Disney for their honeymoon.
When I was at the thrift store this Friday a Middle Eastern man came up to me and handed me a nifty vintage casserole dish, complete with lid and chafing-dish-like apparatus. "It is nice," he said. "And a good price."
Yesterday I went to my first yoga class in quite some time. The teacher asked me to demonstrate something, without telling me what that something was. I was game. I like the teacher a lot, partly because she is not afraid of my feet. And my feet are scary-looking.